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54. Teden slovenske drame

Drama of Small European Languages

Drama of Small European Languages

Drama of Small European Languages (DoSEL) is dedicated to the cultural and linguistic diversity in the European cultural space, particularly in drama and theatre, and particularly to improving conditions for international collaboration, translation and staging of European drama written in smaller European languages.

The DoSEL project is a continuation of the work that began in 2021 in the frame of the development grant from the European Theatre Convention (ETC) that was awarded to the consortium of Prešeren Theatre Kranj (Slovenia), the National Agency for the Performing Arts (Malta) and the Slovak National Theatre (Slovakia). With the application for the Creative Europe tender in 2024, the consortium of the DoSEL project expanded to many reputable European theatre institutions, including Arriaga Theatre (Spain), Sala Beckett (Spain), HNK Zagreb (Croatia), Estonian Theatre Agency (Estonia), National Theatre Kosovo (Kosovo) and Ivan Vazov Theatre (Bulgaria), with the intention of permanent change of the structural condition in European drama and theatre sector and increase the accessibility of drama and theatre of smaller European languages to a wide range of European and world audiences.

